Sunday, July 1, 2012

Working Mom

I'm considering going back to work.  Seriously considering it, not just applying for jobs to get my unemployment check, but seriously looking.  Tonight I am working on my resume and updating a couple of really good cover letters that I've written.  It's scary but I'm sort of ready, I think, um, maybe.

Whenever  I mention to G1 that I might go to work she cries.  When I say maybe a nanny will come in and play with you and cook you lunch, she cries.  Staying at home was never really a plan for me.  It just sort of fell into my lap and stuck.  I've been grateful, hell even happy at times (snow storms, rain storms, that time of the month) to be at home in sweats playing on the floor but it's time to move on.  Gain some skills and insight into my chosen profession. I have a masters degree covered in dust in a dark closet upstars.  I need to get on it!

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